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Crazy Tropical Body Lotion

I’m not normally a fan of coconut flavors or scents, I leave that appreciation to Taylor and her fondness of coconut. That being said, I found myself recently dreaming of a body lotion made with Virgin Coconut Oil and lightly scented with the complimentary Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance. I couldn’t stop thinking about this body lotion, so I sat down with the MMS catalog and allowed my dreams to help create this formula.

I chose Macadamia Nut Oil to add to this lotion because I can’t help but pair bananas and macadamias ever since my trip to Hawaii and eating the Macadamia Pancakes at Boots & Kimo’s in Kailua.

I used Hydrovance as my humectant because I think summer lotions should keep skin well moisturized without being sticky. Since I like Hydrovance, I used it in my formula for fantabulous skin.

As my oils don’t have a high content of stearines, I added a little Stearic Acid to the formula to help give the lotion some body without making it too thick.

Virgin Coconut Oil
Macadamia Nut Oil
Emulsifying Wax
Stearic Acid
Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance
Liquid Germall Plus Preservative
Microwave Safe Container
Dropper Bottle


Recipe in Grams
64 grams Virgin Coconut Oil
80 grams Macadamia Nut Oil
40 grams Emulsifying Wax
24 grams Stearic Acid
24 grams Hydrovance
560 grams Water
4 grams Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance
4 grams Liquid Germall Plus Preservative
Recipe in Ounces
2.26 oz Virgin Coconut Oil
2.82 oz Macadamia Nut Oil
1.41 oz Emulsifying Wax
0.85 oz Stearic Acid
0.85 oz Hydrovance
19.75 oz Water
0.14 oz Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance
0.14 oz Liquid Germall Plus Preservative
Recipe in Percentages
8% Virgin Coconut Oil
10% Macadamia Nut Oil
5% Emulsifying Wax
3% Stearic Acid
3% Hydrovance
70% Water
0.5% Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance
0.5% Liquid Germall Plus Preservative

Weigh everything into a microwave safe container except for the Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance and Liquid Germall Plus Preservative. Heat gently until everything has melted. Stir well. Add the Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance and Liquid Germall Plus Preservative. Stir well. Pour into jars. Seal, label and enjoy!

Finished Lotion

Finished Lotion

Weighing Oils

Weighing Water

Mixing Lotion

Mixing Lotion

Mixing Lotion

Adding Preservative

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Basic Bar Soap

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