Orange Butter Lip Balm
As we get later into the autumn it just keeps getting colder and colder. Cache Valley is such a beautiful place and I love living here, but when the cold comes around I find myself wondering, how can I protect my skin? In Utah, we can have some pretty harsh winters. The cold, dry, and windy weather is horrible for the skin because it sweeps away any moisture added during the morning routine. This is my inspiration to make the Old Man Winter Hand Cream. I want a rich and thick cream designed for men to help with dry and weather beaten skin.
Collect Needed Items:
Ingredients Emulsifying Wax Stearic Acid Beeswax Hydrovance Glycerin Coconut Oil Liquid Germall Plus Autumn Afternoon Fragrance Oil Icy Water Fragrance Oil Water |
Equipment Scale Microwave Safe Container Spoons Pipettes Immersion Blender Containers for finished cream |
Recipe in Grams 12 grams Emulsifying Wax 6 grams Stearic Acid 6 grams Beeswax 6 grams Hydrovance 6 grams Glycerin 15 grams Coconut Oil 246 grams Water 1.5 gram Liquid Germall Plus 0.75 grams Autumn Afternoon Fragrance 0.75 grams Icy Water Fragrance |
Recipe in Ounces 0.42 ounces Emulsifying Wax 0.21 ounces Stearic Acid 0.21 ounces Beeswax 0.21 ounces Hydrovance 0.21 ounces Glycerin 0.53 ounces Coconut Oil 8.68 ounces Water 0.05 ounces Liquid Germall Plus 0.03 ounces Autumn Afternoon Fragrance 0.03 ounces Icy Water Fragrance |
Recipe in Percentages 4% Emulsifying Wax 2% Stearic Acid 2% Beeswax 2% Hydrovance 2% Glycerin 5% Coconut Oil 82% Water 0.5% Liquid Germall Plus 0.25% Autumn Afternoon Fragrance 0.25% Icy Water Fragrance |
The end result did not end up being as viscous or stiff as I had imagined. However, once I put the lotion on, it left a feeling as though I had just put on a very thick cream. This hand cream moisturizes deeply like a thick cream without being too stiff or oily.
Lotions are one of the easiest things to make. The key is correctly heating the mixture to get proper melting, then mixing until everything has emulsified then you are ready for the preservative. Make sure the preservative gets mixed in completely or else the product can grow mold. I, sadly, have made that mistake before!
Make this lotion by weighing everything except for the Liquid Germall Plus and the two fragrance oils into a single heat proof container. Put the container into the microwave and heat until all the ingredients are melted. Using an immersion blender as the mixing tool, mix the lotion until its fully mixed and none of the oils separate. Now, let the mixture cool until it is under 120°F. Once it has cooled it is time to add the Liquid Germall Plus, Icy Water Fragrance, and Autumn Afternoon Fragrance. Next you can put the lotion into the container of your choice. I would recommend using jars because this is a thick cream. This recipe makes about 10.5 ounces of lotion or 300 grams. Use the percentage column to make the batch the size you desire.