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Peppermint Bark Toffee Lip Balm

Peppermint Bark Toffee Photo Credit Whoa Foods

Peppermint Bark Toffee
Photo Credit Whoa Foods

The holiday season is upon us and the stores have laid out all of the winter treats. Peanut brittle, candy canes, chocolate covered jelly sticks, divinity, caramels and peppermint bark fill the shelves to near bursting. I can’t shop without some tempting treat calling my name.

This week, I will be sharing some fun lip balms that taste like these delectable treats without the calories.

Collected Ingredients

Collected Ingredients

One of my favorite holiday treats is brittle toffee coated in layers of milk and white chocolate sprinkled with bits of peppermint candy canes. Peppermint Bark Toffee is absolutely superb! Come join me as we make the calorie free version of this sweet.

Soy Lip Solutions
Caramel Toffee Flavor Oil
Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Microwave Safe Container


Recipe in Grams
285 g Soy Lip Solutions
3 g Caramel Toffee Flavor Oil
3 g Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
0.85 gPeppermint Essential Oil
Recipe in Ounces
0.63 lbs Soy Lip Solutions
0.1 oz Caramel Toffee Flavor Oil
0.1 oz Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
0.03 oz Peppermint Essential Oil
Recipe in Percentages
97.7% Soy Lip Solutions
1% Caramel Toffee Flavor Oil
1% Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
.3% Peppermint Essential Oil

Adding flavors to melted lip balm

Adding flavors to melted lip balm

Start with the lip solution base of your choice. I will be using our Soy Lip Solutions base, but there are many to choose from. Select your favorite. Heat the base gently in the microwave until melted. Once the base has completely melted, add the Caramel Toffee Flavor Oil, Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil and Peppermint Essential Oil. Stir well.

Verifying everything is mixed well.

Verifying everything is mixed well.

From here, you can either pipette the mixture into your tubes or you can use a filling tray. I will be using a filling tray because they are simple and fast. If you are using a filling tray, insert your tubes into your tray. Flood the tray with your melted lip balm. Allow the mixture to cool. Scrape off the excess. I like to use a plastic putty knife. Remove the tubes from the tray and cap.

Gently flooding the lip balm filling tray

Gently flooding the lip balm filling tray

If you are going to pipette the lip balm into the tubes, fill the tube until you get a dome of liquid material at the top. Wax shrinks when it cools and doing this helps insure that you get a very pretty top. Fill all of your tubes making sure they are domed on the top before they cool. (You may need to reheat your jar of lip solutions during this process. This is normal and to be expected.) Allow the tubes to cool and cap.

Waiting for the lip balm to cool

Waiting for the lip balm to cool

Now you can give your lip balm a pretty label or put it into a cute bag. Enjoy this great lip balm or give as gifts! Happy holidays!

Cooled lip balm

Cooled lip balm

Scraping the excess off

Scraping the excess off

Finished Lip Balm. YUM!

Finished Lip Balm. YUM!

Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

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0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...

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