Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil
4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...
Whew! Where has our summer gone? I can’t believe that we have started school already. The young kids are back and the buses have their flashing lights going in the morning. The college kids are back in town and the Saturday traffic is slow moving. The book stores, coffee houses and other hang-out places are full of chatter and warm bodies. Last night I was in bed at 9:40 and it was dark! The season is certainly waning. Later this week Andee will show you some pictures from our garden. This company garden takes up about 1/3 an acre and we all participate in planting, weeding, and harvesting. So far this year we have harvested beets, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, green beans, onions, zucchini and squash. We have bottled 375 pints of pickled beets. Yes, that is three HUNDRED and seventy five jars. We have some to stay in our company kitchen and the others have made their way home to the houses of our employees.
Along with the 375 jars of pickled beets, we have preserved 102 jars of apricot jam, 64 jars of green beans. Zucchini and squash are plentiful and we give it away daily. This is the only time of year I recommend locking the car doors no matter where you go. All church goers should be required to lock their doors or else you might find a basket of zucchini in the back seat! We have made zucchini bread, grilled the squash, made refrigerator pickles, had salads and I think I am ready for onion rings. Due to the late spring our corn is about 1 month behind typical schedule. It is coming along though! In the next while I expect corn and acorn squash to be coming on like gangbusters in our garden. Are you ready for some recipes? Stay tuned for the recipes for our delicious garden harvest meals.
Now that I have tempted you with words of our garden, I would like to invite all MMS customers to join in on Tea Tuesday. It has been a while since I have done a Tea Tuesday, the biggest reason is my wrists have been in braces for carpal tunnel. If you have been here, I am sorry. Braces are miserable! If you haven’t had your wrists in braces, then please prevent this injury in any way you can. Braces are miserable!!!! My computer is now set up with a voice recognition software so I can speak my email responses. I’m learning as it learns. I suspect that no voice recognition software knows the word saponification until it has been taught to the software. *Sigh*
So, if you remember how Tea Tuesday works, just jump to the link and send a note to me. If you can’t remember how this works, or you need a refresher, then follow these simple instructions.
First, I will only send tea to existing MMS customers. Thank you for being honest. This *free* offer gets put on relays and various scammer blogs and I get a ton of messages.
Second, today’s tea offerings are:
So… you are probably wondering how you can send your address to me. It is simple. Please go to our Contact Us page and choose the Community Pursuits radio button.
Remember to choose your tea AND write your address. Please tell me a little bit about what is going on in your life so I can send a note. While I can’t do a hand written note, I can speak your note and my computer will type it. Not the same as a handwritten note, but still personal. And who knows, it may even be more legible!!!
4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...