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Cigar Band Tutorial

One of the hardest things about soap making is presentation. How are you going to present your soap to family, friends and even customers? How are you going to label it? How are you going to identify what is it or even what is in it? One of the simplest labeling styles is a cigar band. Come join me to make cigar band labels for your soap!

For this project, you will need:
A bar of soap
flexible tape measure

I want to print on my cigar band label then cut it out so I can wrap my soap. To start, I grabbed a bar of soap, a standard size bar from my mold. I decided I wanted the band to go across my soap horizontally. I measured how wide the bar was. My bar was 9 inches around the bar horizontally. My cigar band will need to be longer than 9 inches so I can tape the paper together.

To determine how much space I have at the front of the bar for my design, I took a blank sheet of 8.5×11 printer. I wanted to determine how tall I wanted my cigar band. I played origami for a while until I found the size I wanted. I then cut that out and wrapped it around my bar. If I want text on the sides of my bar, now is the time for that to be determined.

I went to my computer and created my cigar bands. I used Open Office but you will need to play around with the various programs your computer has. I filled in the blog title and what I wanted to call the soap. I decreased my margin size to 0.25 inches on all sides of the paper. I flipped the page to landscape. I then printed my paper. I checked to make sure my cigar band was longer than 9 inches.

I then wrapped the paper around the bar, centering the text in the front. I taped the paper in the back. Tada! I now have a labeled soap. How easy was that?

What program do you use if you create cigar bands? I want to know!


Soap and Measuring Tape

Soap and Measuring Tape

Measuring soap

Measuring soap

Trying to determine how tall I want my cigar band.

Trying to determine how tall I want my cigar band.

Still too tall!

Still too tall!

Just right!

Just right!

Measuring how tall I want my cigar band.

Measuring how tall I want my cigar band.

My cigar bands

My cigar bands

Cutting out my cigar bands

Cutting out my cigar bands

Placing cigar band on soap

Placing cigar band on soap

My ends are too long.

My ends are too long.

Trimming my ends

Trimming my ends

Applying tape

Applying tape

Finished Cigar Band!

Finished Cigar Band!

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