This is such a fun butter recipe. I think you will love it just as much as the lab rats (I mean staff members) do!
This was made on the blog on January 15th 2010.
28 grams White Cocoa Butter
28 grams Shea Butter, Refined
24 grams Apricot Kernel Oil
32 grams Macadamia Nut Oil
14 grams Colorless Jojoba Oil
14 grams Aloe Butter
36 grams Beeswax
Fragrance as desired
microwave safe container
stirring utensil
Containers for filling
Weigh all ingredients (white cocoa butter to beeswax) into a microwave safe container. Melt with short burst of time until all oil ingredients have reached a liquid state.
Mix well, add scent continue to whip as the butter cools. Transfer into desired containers and viola... Easy, fun, and your skin will thank you.
This butter is not too hard and not too soft. It melts nicely from the warmth of your hands. If you are looking for something a bit harder you can either increase the beeswax or white cocoa butter by 4 grams. Or live on the edge and do half and half!
This recipe is ideal for trying the lotion bar tubes!
This recipe will fill approximately 10 Lotion Bar Tubes and each tube will contain approximately 0.63 ounces of product.