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Boxing Day

Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day! This day is set aside to remember how lucky we are and to consider those who need assistance. We all have things around the home that can be donated to charity. Coats, mittens, hats, socks and boots are especially helpful to people in need. If you received new towels for Christmas then donate the ones that are not as vibrant as they once were. New toaster? New pans? New vacuum? Donate the gently used items around your house that could benefit someone who needs.

Donating to charity gives employment to people, gives goods and services to the needy, and recycles items that we no longer need in our households. We’ve been marking our packages with KEEP THIS BOX FOR BOXING DAY for quite a while now. Use your TheSage.com shipping box to take a few items in for donations.

Thank you for helping our communities,

Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...

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Orange Butter Lip Balm

This has been one of our most popular promotional lip balms! We are often asked if we brought this lip balm to events, conferences and even business meetings.


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Basic Bar Soap

This recipe is the basic recipe that we use to test fragrances, colors or other additives.


    4 oz Coconut Oil or Palm Kernel Oil (See Comments...
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