Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil
4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...
It isn’t everyday I find myself wanting to climb onto my soapbox and speak out loudly. But today is one of those days where I am going to dust off my soap box, climb up on top and speak my mind. Just what is it that I am thinking of? Porch pirates. Every year, as we approach the holidays, we hear of thefts. People are stealing packages right off the porch. Some are even caught on camera, following a UPS or FedEx truck as they make their deliveries.
It makes me so mad because many of these packages aren’t of great value to anyone but the recipient. This could be dog food for someone who struggles with mobility. It could be diapers for a new mother. It could be a box of irreplaceable photographs and other keepsakes mailed by a family member. It could be a pair of glasses for someone who otherwise can’t see without them. These packages have great value to the addressee, not to anyone else. Yet that doesn’t stop porch pirates from picking up packages in the hopes of finding something of value. Ask around. You or someone who know has had a package filched out of the mail box or off of the porch. It is time to make a stand.
That brings me to my next thought. There is an awesome project on Kickstarter and I really wanted to share it with you today. If you have never heard of Kickstarter, you should know this is a crowd-funding platform that allows designers, creators, innovators, and artists get help turning their dream into a reality.
Allow me introduce a really cool project that I discovered just the other week. May I present BoxLock? BoxLock is a lock that secures any bin at all times. The driver can scan a package to be delivered using the BoxLock, which will open the lock. The driver can then place your packages into the bin and then secure the lock before leaving. It is that easy and a great way to stop the rampant thievery. This is something I am super excited about and I have backed this project. The locks are not scheduled to be ready until August 2018.
Do remember before backing any project through crowd-funding that they are not a store. Project creators are working to create something specific and that often takes time. Remember to have patience while supporting a project you believe in. Each project takes time. The assistance you have given the project creator is highly appreciated and just one step toward a common goal.
May you enjoy the coming holidays without the headache or heartache of discovering someone has poached from your porch. I sincerely hope that this is one concern that you, your friends and family never have to face. I know this is an important discussion I will be having with my family and my children. BoxLock is just one way I can make a difference to make our community better.
4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...